Pay Your Dues

NEW:  Our PayPal options have been updated as of 2023 and include some new features such as a PayPal QR code that will allow you to use your phone to quickly pay your dues among other features.  If you have issues with the new features, please try to use Google Chrome as your browser.  If you still cannot use the features listed below, please email the Treasurer at


NEW Membership:  please complete the membership application by clicking on the button shown below, enter the requested information, and wait for an e-mail response from the RCPOA Treasurer before paying your dues.  New (initial) membership dues are $50.00 for the first year.  The treasurer will instruct you on payment of the initial $50.00 along with getting your Membership Card and Facility Keys.  We look forward to having you join us.  Thanks!

NOTICE: If you submit a payment online, be sure to complete the MEMBERSHIP CONTACT LIST UPDATE  by clicking on the button below.  Enter the information listed to include your FULL NAME, ADDRESS, EMAIL ADDRESS, and CONTACT NUMBER.  This process helps to ensure that all contact information is up to date in our Members List.


(Renewal Dues = $40 per year , New Member Dues = $50, Replacement Key = $10, Building Rental = $50, CCW Class = $10 per student)

New Pay Options

Pay Later button will allow you to choose several options to pay with but will send the payment as soon as you fill in the information.  It will not allow you to schedule a payment

If you have issues, please send the Treasurer an email at

RCPOA PayPal QR Code